


SCI新手指南 | Conclusion













  1. 记得回答研究问题。不是列一个问题,写一个回答。而是写出总结性的一句话,比如“下面是研究主要发现”。

  2. 阐述你的假设,这很重要。读者会想看的是否证明了这个假设。这个真的很重要。

  3. 不要用第一人称!这是学术论文。你可以用We,Researcher。

  4. 不要解释你发现了什么,而是写这篇文章的贡献。讨论部分才是你发现了什么,这些发现意味着什么。总结部分是这个结论要怎么应用到实践或研究领域。




· The paper concludes by arguing __

· On this basis, we conclude that __

· The authors concluded that __ is not confined to __

· This allows the conclusion that __

· The analysis leads to the following conclusions: __

· It is difficult to arrive at any conclusions with regard to __

· The main conclusion that can be drawn is that __


· Broadly translated our findings indicate that __

· This is an important finding in the understanding of the __

· More generally, these basic findings are consistent with research showing that __

· In addition, these findings provide additional information about __

· The findings of this study can be understood as __

· Nevertheless, we found __

· These findings provide a potential mechanism for __

· Ideally, these findings should be replicated in a study where __


· In summary, this paper argued that __

· This aspect of the research suggested that __

· In conclusion, __ seems to improve __

· In summary, this paper argued that __

· In conclusion, it would appear that __

· Overall, our results demonstrate a strong effect of __

· The present findings confirm __

· In conclusion, __ seems to improve __


· This may be considered a promising aspect of __

· This may be considered a further validation of __

· Remaining issues are subject of __

· As we have argued elsewhere __ may be considered a promising aspect of __

· By using __ we tested the hypothesis that __

· Despite the limitations these are valuable in light of __

· To our knowledge, this is the first report of __

· Our results on __ are broadly consistent with __

· The broad implication of the present research is that __

· This conclusion follows from the fact that __

· Collectively, our results appear consistent with __

· Importantly, our results provide evidence for __

· Results provide a basis for __

· This experiment adds to a growing corpus of research showing __

· Our data indicate that __; a result that casts a new light on __

· We have shown that __

· Our data suggest that we still have a long way to go to _


· Future studies could fruitfully explore this issue further by __

· It is a question of future research to investigate __

· Regardless, future research could continue to explore __

· This is an issue for future research to explore.

· Future studies could investigate the association between __

· Future studies should aim to replicate results in a larger __

·  Future research should be devoted to the development of __

· This may constitute the object of future studies.

· Future research could examine __

· Interesting research questions for future research that can be derived from __

· This is an interesting topic for future work.

· Future research should further develop and confirm these initial findings by __

· Future research should certainly further test whether __

· As also recommended above, future research should __

· Future research should examine strategically __

· Future research might apply __

· In addition, __ might prove an important area for future research.

· A number of recommendations for future research are given.

· Therefore, future research should be conducted in more realistic settings to __


· Future research is needed to delimitate __

· Further research on __ issue is warranted.

· Further work is certainly required to disentangle these complexities in __

· Looking forward, further attempts could prove quite beneficial to the literature.

· Further research is needed to confirm this novel finding.

· These result warrant further investigation via __

· This provides a good starting point for discussion and further research.

· Further studies should investigate __

· The possibility of __ warrants further investigation.

· In future work, investigating __ might prove important.

· Future investigations are necessary to validate the kinds of conclusions that can be drawn from this study.


· Future research should consider the potential effects of __ more carefully, for example __

· This assumption might be addressed in future studies.

· Future  research on __ might extend the explanations of __

· This is very much the key component in future attempts to overcome __

· This is desirable for future work.

· It will be important that future research investigate __

· We believe that apart from looking for __, future research should look for __

· In future research, more research is needed to apply and test __

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