







学校:苏黎士大学 University of Zürich

院系: Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research (SIAF)

教授: Dr. Yasutaka Mitamura

申请邮箱: yasutaka.mitamura@siaf.uzh.ch




免疫学小组现招收一位积极进取的博士生,参与以下项目 "Identification of distinct cellular and molecular features of nonlesional skin (NLS) and lesional skin (LS) of atopic dermatitis"。特应性皮炎(AD)是一种慢性炎症性皮肤病,是一个重大的公共安全问题,受此影响的婴儿和成人各占10%和4%。该项目旨在进一步了解和确定用于治疗AD的新靶标。我们将致力于确定具体功能,调节NLS和LS中免疫应答和皮肤屏障功能的指标。我们将使用新的技术,例如空间基因表达测定,成像质谱细胞分析,靶向蛋白质组学分析,重建人类表皮分析,人类样品单细胞分析。我们将与苏黎世功能基因组中心(FGCZ)合作,使用先进的生物信息学工具进行大数据分析。





请将您的激励信和简历以及两封推荐信发送给Dr. Yasutaka Mitamura:yasutaka.mitamura@siaf.uzh.ch。

Job description

The Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research (SIAF) in Davos, Switzerland is an academic research institute associated with the University of Zurich with a long track of original discoveries and contributions dedicated to basic and translational research in the fields of immunology, allergy and asthma. SIAF participates in the Microbiology and Immunology (MIM) and Systems Biology PhD Programs of the Life Sciences Zurich Graduate School.

The Immunology Group is looking for a highly motivated PhD Student

for the project Identification of distinct cellular and molecular features of nonlesional skin (NLS) and lesional skin (LS) of atopic dermatitis.

Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder with a huge public health burden affecting than 10% of the infants and 4% of adults. This project aims to achieve further understanding and identification of novel targets for the treatment of AD. We will aim at identifying specific features and indicators to regulate the immune response and skin barrier function in NLS and LS. We will use the new

technologies, such as spatial gene expression assay, imaging mass cytometry, targeted proteomics analyses, analyses with reconstructed human epidermis, single cell analysis with human samples. We will use advanced bioinformatic tools for the big data analysis in collaboration with Functional Genomic Center of Zurich (FGCZ).

We offer an interesting and challenging PhD position in a world-class scientific institute in a new building with the state-of-the-art laboratories and a dynamic, international team of interdisciplinary experts. Our young, open-minded and highly motivated group provides an unique environment, where you can achieve your scientific and career goals, balanced with a variety of sports options and social


For more information contact us or visit www.siaf.uzh.ch.